



  • Developer Roadmap

    Guides and other educational content to help guide developers.

  • Google Cloud Skill Boost

    Choose your learning path, build your skills, and validate your knowledge.

  • AWS Skill Builder

    Your learning center to build in-demand cloud skills.

  • Azure Cloud Skills

    Sharpen your cloud skills to accelerate your career and business results

  • Red Hat Training

    Accelerate your cloud adoption and manage continuous change with Oracle Guided Learning

  • Linux Foundation Training

    Building, maintaining, and managing IT infrastructures of companies

  • Docker

    Build images, run containers, use volumes to persist data and mount in source code

  • Kubernetes Training

    Accelerate your cloud adoption and manage continuous change with Oracle Guided Learning

  • Cloud Native Computing Foundation

    CNCF is a vendor-neutral organization fostering cloud native computing, promoting its widespread adoption.

  • Nginx Training

    Fundamentals to advanced load balancing, advanced caching, security, and more.

Infrastructure as a Code (IaaC)

  • Terraform

    Infrastructure automation to provision and manage resources in any cloud or data center.

  • Vault

    Manage Secrets & Protect Sensitive Data

  • Packer

    Standardize image workflows across cloud providers

  • Jenkins

    Automate the parts of software development related to building, testing, and deploying, CI/CD

  • Infracost

    Cloud cost estimates for Terraform in pull requests

  • Aqua Tfsec

    Security scanner for your Terraform code

  • Webhook.site

    Lets you easily inspect, test and automate any incoming HTTP request or e-mail.

  • Checkov

    Policy as a code .

  • Open Policy Agent

    Policy-based control for cloud native environments

  • Pulumi

    Build infrastructure intuitively on any cloud using familiar languages.

  • Ansible

    Build infrastructure intuitively on any cloud using familiar languages.

Kubernetes Tools

  • K8slens

    IDE for Kubernetes. The only system you'll ever need to take control of your Kubernetes clusters.

  • Helm

    The package manager for Kubernetes

  • Bitnami

    Provides pre-configured stacks for easy deployment and management of open-source applications

  • ArtifactHub

    Find, install and publish kubernetes packages

  • K9scli

    Kubernetes CLI To Manage Your Clusters In Style!

  • Kubecolor

    Colorizes kubectl output!

Python 🐍

  • The Python Package Index (PyPI)

    The world's largest software project hosting platform, discover high-quality open-source projects.

  • Psutil

    Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python.

  • Scapy

    An Interactive packet manipulation program and library

  • Requests

    A simple, yet elegant, HTTP library

  • Urllib3

    A powerful, user-friendly HTTP client for Python

  • Fabric

    High level SSH command execution

  • PyTest

    simple powerful testing with Python

Scripting & Config

  • Bash

    Bash is the GNU Project's shell—the Bourne Again SHell.

  • Powershell

    Microsoft-built framework for Windows task automation and configuration management.

  • Go

    An open-source programming language supported by Google.

  • Lua

    Is a powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language.

  • YAML

    A human-friendly data serialization language for all programming languages

  • JSON

    JavaScript Object Notation is a lightweight data-interchange format.

  • Rust

    A language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.

Educational Resources

Code Hosting

  • GitHub

    The world's largest software project hosting platform, discover high-quality open-source projects.

  • Gitlab

    Deliver secure code more quickly, deploy to any cloud, and drive business results.

  • Bitbucket

    Bitbucket Cloud is the native Git tool in Atlassian's Open DevOps solution.

Website Hosting

  • Vercel

    Vercel combines the best developer experience with a strong focus on end-user performance

  • Netlify

    Netlify is a cloud platform for hosting static websites, supporting automatic code retrieval from Github, GitLab, Bitbucket, and other repositories for project packaging and deployment

  • GitHub Codespace

    The world's largest software project hosting platform, discover high-quality open-source projects

  • Railway

    Bring your code, leave the rest to us

  • Supabase

    Supabase is an open-source Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform that helps developers quickly build applications without writing backend code.

  • Gitpod

    Cloud development environments are the fastest,and more secure way, to ship code.

Live Coding

  • CodesandBox

    CodeSandbox is an online code editor and prototyping tool that allows you to create and share web applications faster

  • CodePen

    The best place to build, test, and discover front-end code

  • Stackblitz

    Stackblitz maintains an instant development experience throughout the process. No more local storage/pull/installation hours - just click and start coding

  • vscode.dev

    Online Web version of VSCode provided by the official VSCode team

  • Sandpack

    For creating live running code editing experiences

  • onlineGBD

    Code. compile. run. debug. share.

Site Generation

  • VitePress

    A static site generator driven by Vue and built with Vite

  • VuePress

    A static site generator driven by Vue

  • Docusaurus

    Quickly build content-centric best websites

  • Hexo

    A fast, simple, and efficient blogging framework

  • GitBook

    GitBook helps you publish beautiful documentation for your users and centralize your team's knowledge for advanced collaboration

  • Docsify

    docsify can quickly help you generate documentation websites

  • WordPress

    WordPress is open-source software that enables you to create excellent websites, blogs, or applications

  • Nextra

    Simple, powerful and flexible site generation framework


  • Gitstar Ranking

    Unofficial GitHub star rankings for users, organizations, and repositories

  • Commiters Top

    A list of most active GitHub users in different countries/regions.

  • Metrics

    An infographics generator with 30+ plugins and 300+ options to display stats about your GitHub account and render them as SVG, Markdown, PDF or JSON!

  • Github Stats

    Better GitHub statistics images for your profile, with stats from private repos too

  • GitHub Profile README Generator

    Generate GitHub profile README easily with the latest add-ons like visitors count, GitHub stats, etc using minimal UI


  • Bitwarden

    Password manager.

  • Raindrop

    All-in-one bookmark manager.

  • NordVPN

    Stay safe online with the leading VPN service.

  • Workona

    The essential work organizer for the browser.

  • ClickUp

    Manage Teams & Tasks


    Connect Your Apps

  • Buffer

    Grow your audience on social and beyond

  • Zapier

    Grow your audience on social and beyond


  • ClassCentral

    Find the best courses, wherever they exist.

  • Coursera

    Learn without limits.

  • Edx

    Learning is what you make of it. Make it yours at edX.

  • MIT

    MIT OpenCourseWare is a web based publication of virtually all MIT course content.

  • O'Reilly Learning

    Provides individuals, teams, and businesses with expert-created.

  • Anki

    Powerful, intelligent flash cards.

Academic Papers

  • Science

    A global journal for peer-reviewed research and scientific breakthroughs.

  • Nature

    A leading multidisciplinary science journal driving groundbreaking discovery since 1869.

  • Google Scholar

    Stand on the shoulders of giants.

  • Arvix

    Comprehensive open-access archive for scholarly articles in various scientific and quantitative disciplines.


  • ChatGPT

    Generative pre-trained transformer.

  • Copilot

    AI-powered search engine owned and operated by Microsoft.


  • Hugging Face

    The AI community building the future.

  • DeepMind

    Interesting challenges in AI.

  • Deep Learning AI

    Build your AI career.

  • Meta AI

    Build your AI career.

  • Google AI

    Advancing AI for everyone.

  • Microsoft AI

    Embrace the future of productivity and limitless innovation.

  • Keras

    Simple. Flexible. Powerful.

  • Numpy

    The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.

  • PyTorch

    The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.

  • PyCharm

    The Python IDE for Professional Developers.

  • Jupiter

    Free software, open standards, and web services for interactive computing across all programming languages.